知名樂評網站 Angry Metal Guy,
將 Crescent Lament / 恆月三途的專輯【花殤】 評選為「2015你可能錯過的、不得不聽的好專輯」,非常榮幸! Angry Metal Guy,是個連誠品、馬雅音樂等公司,在販賣進口專輯時,都會引用的知名樂評網站! 能夠在Angry Metal Guy被推薦,真是太讚啦! 樂評連結
Here is an album review regarding Crescent Lament's 2015 album "Elegy for the Blossoms". The review is written by Happy Metal Guy, and posted on Angry Metal Guy. What an honor! Click here to read the review.