Crescent Lament 恆月三途 主唱Muer,也是諮商心理師/暢銷作家周慕姿,這次很榮幸收到 [樂手巢YSO LIFE] 的邀請與採訪,分享自己的樂團經驗與第三張專輯。
之前Muer接受不少採訪,不過大多以心理師身份,或分享自己從傳播轉心理的生涯經驗,這次很感謝樂手巢的採訪,讓 Muer有機會分享了自己的樂團生涯以及自己與樂團的創作理念。 實際上,Muer擔任主唱的時間,是比心理師的生涯還要長非常多的。(Muer表示:心理師只是我的表面工作,我真正的身份,其實是 #樂團吉祥物。)所以這次有機會接受這個採訪,對Muer來說應該也意義非凡吧~~
An interview of Crescent Lament’s vocalist –Muer, by 樂手巢 YSO LIFE.
Being a psychological counselor as her daytime job, Muer shared her experience of playing metal music, as well as her idea about musical creation.
Of course, the upcoming album “Land of Lost Voices” was also mentioned in the interview.
More info regarding the album tour will be released soon. Link of interview: https://ysolife.com/crescent-lament-muer/