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“孤燈微微” MV預告 二二八紀念/ "By the Lone Light" MV Trailer

今天是二二八紀念日。 Crescent Lament 恆月三途,今年將推出第三張專輯 – 「噤夢 Land of Lost Voices」,紀念那些為了成就心中的台灣夢,而被噤聲的台灣人。 - 倚窗思念 伊人佇佗位 - 夜深露重 期待伊緊轉來 每個殷切期盼的背後,往往都是永盼不到一面的魂斷夢空。 紀念.二.二八。 ——————————————————————— Today is February 28. It is Peace Memorial Day in Taiwan. Crescent Lament will release their 3rd album “Land of Lost Voices” this year: in memory of the brave Taiwanese who perished in their struggle against the corrupt KMT's repressive regime—which caused the 228 Incident, and the subsequent "White Terror" as well. “Sitting by the window, searching for his figure Hanging in the cold air are my endless expectations.” For those broken families whose endless expectations never brought their loved ones back. February 28, 2020: the 73rd anniversary of the 228 Incident. ——————————————————————— ★ 影像節錄自 Crescent Lament 新MV「孤燈微微」,林峻執導。 ★ Logo由台灣畫家氫酸鉀設計。 ★ English advice by Happy Metal Guy。 ★ 追蹤我們的最新消息 / Connect with Crescent Lament below: Website: Facebook:


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