台灣民謠金屬樂團 Crescent Lament 恆月三途,【噤夢】專輯首支live MV - 「念伊人」正式推出。 感謝參與【噤夢】全台巡演的各位觀眾朋友們,因為有你們的熱情支持,我們留下無數感動萬分的超棒回憶。 這支MV紀錄了我們在台灣各地的許多美好時刻。 謝謝各位觀眾的掌聲與鼓勵,我們會繼續傳唱台灣的故事,大步前行! ------------------------------------ 「念伊人」這首歌,時序上接續「孤燈微微」:1947年3月8日,明風離家前往基隆港邊,卻再也未歸;阿香日復一日在社寮島海邊等待,也盼不到明風出現。 春夏過去了,秋冬離開了,時間之輪默默的運轉著。而花開花落、月盈月缺,阿香卻僅能在落雨暝的夢中,與明風相會。 「念伊人」的歌詞,深深刻畫出二二八事件後的台灣女性,對於生死未明的摯愛,無盡的思念與等待。 ------------------------------------ 噤聲的人,無聲的夢。 每個殷切期盼的背後,往往都是永盼不到一面的魂斷夢空。 紀念那些為了成就心中的台灣夢,而被噤聲的台灣人。 Crescent Lament 恆月三途 —【噤夢】。 👉 點此看「孤燈微微」官方MV:
Crescent Lament's new music video — "Another Night of Solitude" is now released. Based on the footage of "Land of Lost Voices" album releasing tour, it is a live record composed of numerous wonderful moments from December 2020 to January 2021. Thanks to every audience of the tour, we are so touched by your great enthusiasm! ------------------------------------ The story of "Another Night of Solitude" followed "By the Lone Light". After Bîng-hong went missing during the indiscriminate massacre in March 1947, A-hiong tried desperately to find her beloved one but in vain. As seasons changed, a year went by. Longing for Bîng-hong's safe return eventually became a foolish wish, only solitude remained. ------------------------------------ In memory of 228 Incident of Taiwan, 1947. Crescent Lament - Land of Lost Voices. 👉 Watch “By the Lone Light ” music video here:
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